Sunday, May 10, 2009

Simple Joy Sunday

There are so many things to be joyful about this week. We are so blessed. I hardly know where to start. Since it is Mother's Day, I'll start out with a special thanks to my mom, aka Nana, Nano, and the Nan. She is one very special lady!

My sister's birthday is another thing that's right up there at the top of the joys list. I picked some of "her" flowers to celebrate:
Friends...what would we do without them?!! Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by to help clean up after last Sunday's tornado!!! Your efforts touched our hearts.
This week I have been particularly grateful for my Bundleboo wrap. It gave my baby rest when he was hurting, and it gave my arms a break from the strain of toting him. Levi was so comforted by being all cozy and wrapped up.
And, what would a post be here without a picture of what's growing? The beautiful blackberry flowers have withered away and been replaced by the beginnings of fruit!!! I so can't wait to plunder this thorny mess when those green clusters turn black!
Head to Cool Zebras to join in on Simple Joy Sunday. Hope y'all are having a wonderful Mother's Day full of great joy!!!


  1. So glad it has been a good week!

  2. Wonderful joys. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Lovely simple joys.. hope you have a wonderful mother's day. :)

  4. Happy mother's day! (I loooove blackberries by the way!)

  5. Oh I hope little Levi is all recovered.
    My that was a huge tree wasn't it...what a clean up!

  6. Those are great joys. :) And I too was thankful for my baby carriers this was the ONLY thing that got Emily to go to sleep when she was sick!

  7. I can definitely see the resemblance between you and your mom. :)

    And what a wonderful thing it is to have good friends to help you in hard times! I wish you many more friends like that.

    I also wish you strength and rest and much joy. I don't know how you do it as a single mom. I am in awe.

  8. Goodness. I have only just found your blog and it looks like you have been having one whirlwind of a time. Hope your Mother's Day was positively filled with joy, harmony and light, barely there, breezes.

  9. These are wonderful photos! Hope you had a great Mother's Day.


  10. what wonderful joys :-) YOur mom is so pretty:-) Love the flowers bet your sisiter will love them it sos kind of you to pick htem for her every girl like flowers on her birthday:-)

    Glad Levi is doing better, I know having them sick can be tough.

    Blessings to you hope your mommys day was fabulous

  11. Happy Mama's Day, Madeline! I'm so happy to hear that your family, your home, and your garden are safe from the tornado. So scary... And I've actually been praying for little Levi. It must have been a tiring week for you, watching him in pain. There's nothing worse than feeling helpless when your child is uncomfortable. On an up-note, I'm excited for your blackberries! And let's see some pictures of what you've got growing in the rest of your garden! You live the way I want to live. :)

  12. Dera, thanks so much for your prayers! They have been much needed this week. Levi is FINALLY feeling better. I could do a jig over that one. And I will certainly be posting more pics as the garden progresses. We have tomatoes that are dying to be photographed!

  13. Yummm. Black berries :)
    The flowers for your sister are beautiful.
    That tree was ginormous! What awesome friends you have.
    So Glad Levi is feeling better.


I'm so glad you're here!