Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Pair Of Wings

We'll just ignore that unintentional break in posting...m'kay? Moving right along. Thanks to never ending sniffles and such, movies have regrettably become a daily thing around here...working on that...she says as her son watches Toy Story 3 for the umpteenth billion time all because she caved over the whining...good mommy move.  I know.
Levi is now officially obsessed with the Toy Story movies.  Yesterday, he woke up and was Buzz Lightyear nearly the whole day. During the few hours when he wasn't Buzz, he was an elephant.  I could just squeeze him sometimes.

"Mama, I'm Buzz." 
"Call me Buzz."
"To infinity and beyond!"
"Mama, I can fly....but not inside."

So, while comforting a teething Sophia (until 1:30 in the morning), I did the clearly logical thing to do. I made Levi a pair of Buzz wings.


He's worn them all morning. The whole pretend thing is pretty darn cute.  I've been looking forward to it for awhile now (3 years to be more exact).   


Three year olds can be quite a handful at times, but they are at least easily impressed.  The crazy perfectionist in me would like to take the wings off of him and finish the bits that show from the front. And, also, I was going from memory on the color placement....probably should of looked a little more closely.  But, really, he doesn't care, so why do I?


These were scrapped together from things I had lying about the house.  Core board (cardboard would work just as well), markers, and scraps of blanket binding for the straps.  Other than the nutty desire to chunk them and start over, I think they turned out pretty well. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Like Peas In A Pod

This is Levi...



This is Sophia cracking up over Levi...



She totally gets his sense of humor.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Next She'll Be Asking For The Keys To The Car


Do you see this?!!!  It's my 4 month old trying her darnedest to be a big girl.  What's up with that?  I walked into the bedroom the other morning, and she was SITTING on the bed with her daddy.  Just sitting there entirely unassisted.  I was stunned, and said, "Oh my stars!  She's sitting up!!!"  Stephan smiled and gave a nonchalant, "Yep."  Then she promptly fell over.  

Note to husband: When our daughter hits future milestones without me please yell for me to come look.  Thanks.  :)  
So glad I walked in on that one. 

Anyway, she mostly still needs assistance with the whole sitting thing...hence the photo of her holding onto a truck and my finger...which got cut out of the shot.  But, every so often she makes it for a minute or two all by herself.

I love, love, love watching babies grow.  
Although, I'm still searching for that slow down button.

Friday, January 7, 2011

2011, I Think I Really Like You

The New Year doesn't typically move me.  I'm not a resolution setter or even a watch the ball drop kind of gal.  January 1st is no newer than any other day.  Really, every day is a new year.  But this year is a little different.  I've been ready for 2011 since somewhere around the beginning of 2010.  Yes, incredible things happened in 2010...

I married the most wonderful fella this side of the Mighty Mississippi.


I gave birth to the sweetest, bubbliest, happiest little gal in town.

Tea Bath

And, I watched Levi become an incredible big brother.


Truth be told, though, 2010 made me tired.  However exciting all of those things were, once you add in never ending house renovations and a husband working two jobs you just get one overwhelmed mama.  When I became pregnant with Sophia, everyday tasks quickly turned into drudgery and even playing with Levi was often difficult.  I spent most of the year not feeling like myself, and joy no longer came as easily as it once had.  But, it wasn't until the other day that I fully realized how unlike myself I've felt this past year.  As I was sitting by the fire place crocheting, a peace and lightness of spirit come over me.  I haven't felt that in a very long time.  A weight lifted from my shoulders that day, and ever since I've gotten more and more glimpses of myself settling back in.  Joy has become easier, and less forced.  How crazy is it that I didn't even realize how much I was trying to force it? 
Today...7 days into this new year...despite being woken up well before dawn...I felt almost entirely like me again.  Motherhood wasn't such a struggle.  The mess that has accumulated through the holidays and illnesses didn't send my head spinning.  I did what I could and was really okay with it being enough.  The kids and I wandered aimlessly, danced in the kitchen, and cooked....meals, cookies, and even play dough. It was simple and normal stuff, but it all just felt right. 

I do believe that 2011 is going to be a good year.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Well, Hello.

I am slowly emerging from the aftermath of a post Christmas stomach bug.  Do you know how much laundry accumulates when a mama is out of commission for a week...a whole mountain.  I'd like to say I spent my day getting on top of that mountain, but I didn't. Instead I crocheted a bib.  Oh, the things that take precedence over chores around here.  I should probably be ashamed.  Of course, now I'm putting the pile off even further by blogging about it...oh, well.

It seems that I'm the last person in the blogosphere to post Christmas photos. (We'll just ignore for the moment that whole New Year thing.)  Other than Stephan being sick we had a really lovely Christmas.  It was Sophia's first (like y'all couldn't guess that).  She was duly impressed...


Especially by the wrapping paper...


I'm telling you this gal is like sunshine.  Seriously, all she does is smile and laugh...all day long.


Levi was especially into things this year.  He tried to open ALL of the presents...including the ones that weren't his.


The Arctic playmat was a hit.  Playmats always are around here...



At one point after hearing the Christmas story Levi was convinced that Sophia was baby Jesus.  He cracks me up.


I hope y'all had a very merry Christmas full of family and laughter.  I'll leave you with one more Sophia picture...because she's just so darn cute!
