Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Garden Lovely

Yesterday, I lost track of time while digging and planting. I'm sort of a garden junkie--as if y'all couldn't tell. Sometimes...I check on my veggies 10 times in a day. You can actually see things grow that way. Yeah, I'm very cool. ;)
I planted some New Zealand Spinach. It's not a real spinach, and it thrives in hot weather. In fact I had to hold off on planting it because recently we had a weird cool spell. I thought the seeds were pretty fabulous looking. This is my first year to plant the stuff. I'd never even heard of it before.
A while back I planted some Burgundy Royal Bush Beans. They are beginning to flower, and oh, my. They are so pretty. They remind me of teeny orchids.
Sigh...I love Spring.


  1. Oooh, love it! I'm gonna make a note of these plants, fellow garden junkie that I am. :)

  2. Oh the Burgundy Royal Bush Bean flowers are beautiful. I love Spring too. :)

  3. I need to start our garden going. The people that lived in our house before us had a rock garden. Ugh.

  4. I planted tomatoes and pumpkins the other day! I can hardly wait to see some results :)

  5. Plants that thrive in the heat -- that's what I need! The beans' flowers really do look like orchids. It's exciting to watch things grow.

  6. As a fellow summer-scorching gardener (although, you are much better than I am), I love the idea of New Zealand spinach. We love spinach and if we can find something we can actually grow? I'm looking forward to seeing your harvest!

  7. Oh yes I love pea flowers....will the beans be purple?

  8. They will be! Unfortunately though, they turn green when you cook them. Wouldn't it be just fabulous if they would stay purple??!!


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