Thursday, July 31, 2008

Adding On

I'd like to introduce you to some lovely new additions to the family farm. First, we have Zoe, a roughly 4 month old stray that Annie brought home yesterday. Zoe's already been checked out by the vet, and she's super sweet. Since she's so young, we're hoping she'll turn into a good chicken protector. Our chicken numbers have decreased drastically since the hawk and bobcat invasions of 2007. We're down to three hens-that's from about 30 chickens that we started with. Sadly enough the rest of them disappeared in only a few days. It was a little unnerving. So, we've decided we need a knight in shining armor for our fowl friends. Actually we need two, but one's a good start. We used to keep a dog up there with the chickens. However, we felt sorry for her being all alone, so we brought her up to the house. That's when the chickens started disappearing in droves (as in 10 at a time). She wasn't the best chicken dog anyway, so we've decided to start from scratch. So, without further ado, here's Zoe, our fearless, furry, fowl friend.

Cute, huh?

Onto the next adorable addition. We've adopted a sock monkey. One of my sister's friends makes them. Isn't he fabulous? His name is Binker.

And, to add to Levi's handmade stuffed critters we have Beaky. I made this one for him. It's super soft. I've got more fabric than I can shake a stick at, so I've been making stuffed animals for the little chubber. So far he seems to like them.


  1. Oh how cuddly!! But I'd much rather adopt the sock monkey at my house!


  2. All very cute!

    Can I say you look a bit like Sarah McLachlan?

  3. Yes, you may! What a sweet compliment!


I'm so glad you're here!