Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Words...Sort Of

Levi's vocabulary cracks me up. Though, I'm not certain that it truly counts as a vocabulary since it primarily consists of animal noises. Thus far he has conquered the following "words":
Baa-as in Baa, baa black sheep
Once upon a time he actually said "da" for dog, but that has since been replaced with the above mentioned "ruff". Then of course there's what we call his indecipherable vocabulary. "Un-duh" belongs to that one. If you find a magic baby translating machine, I'd like to give it a whirl.
He can also sign a few things like "more" which he uses to mean 'want' and 'nurse'. And, then there are the signs for "fan", "light", and "love". Although love has only ever been used in reference to Grandpa.
Oh, and I almost forgot, when he's upset he actually says "Waa, Waa, Waa" just like a cartoon baby. I have to suppress laughter every time.


  1. awww beginner talkers are always so cute!!

  2. You are entering the wonderful age of communnication with your baby. I think that is one of my favorite stages. It is good to record it all. It passes so fast. Before you know it they are talking up a storm and you start to forget their cute little baby words. We used baby sign as well, and I think it helped alot with the whole tempertantrum thing, cause they didn't have as much frustration. I love that your little Levi says Waa Waa when he is upset. That is so cute :)

  3. So sweet! All of my kids said mum or da first, except Georgia who's first word was 'book', but pronounced bouk (rhymes with souk).

    She also called most animals by their sound. All birds were quacks :)

    Waa Waa ... LOL!

  4. Oh how precious! I'm impressed- he says quite a lot!

    My little guy barely ever says "Mama" anymore! His favorite word is "Baby" - but its pronounced "Bebe" or "BayBay", he also says Dada pretty frequently, and he has named belly buttons something that sounds most similar to a high pitched "gecko"! lol

  5. It's always so fun to hear kids learning to talk. I love the words that kids mix up too, or make their own words. I miss it when they start pronouncing things correctly!

  6. oooh I adore toddler vocab!! and how it evolves....our funniest at the moment is for dried apricots which our little one did call *ape-cots* but has now evolved to *copters* after some recent talk about helicopters.....
    Levi is too cute! Don't you wish you could bundle them up at this age forever!


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