Sunday, June 14, 2009

Can't It Always Be This Good?

Some weeks it seems that problems just pop up left and right and nothing gets done quite when and like it's supposed to. And, then other weeks everything runs smoothly (even when it doesn't--if that makes any sense), and time is slow in a good way. And things just fall together quite nicely. This has been one of those smooth (even when its not) and good weeks. I've been busy as a bee and happy as a lark (Geez, I think I've read I'm As Quick As A Cricket ten too many times).
We've gone to appointments, run loads of errands, possibly skimped on the housework (but whose counting?), gardened, worked, and, of course, played.
My sister, Annie, came up for the weekend. We had a blast running errands, chatting, and playing with Levi. Saturday, we left extra early for the Farmer's Market, so we could run other errands before nap time. Being the genius that I am, I managed to lock the keys in the car which put us behind schedule by two hours while we waited for help to arrive. We still had fun though. The market was hopping, so there was plenty to look at and enjoy. Not to mention it was a gorgeous day, so how could a little thing like being locked out of the car put a damper on things?! We even managed to get all our errands run and get Levi down for his nap on time. We must have hit a time warp! That evening we went to a cookout hosted by some friends. Grilled eggplant was on the menu....Yummy!!
Speaking of food, my garden is becoming quite edible and oh, so yummy! I have 11 tomato plants, and they are huge and overflowing with lovely green tomatoes. I even broke down and fried some up. Generally I steer clear of fried food. I love fried green tomatoes, though. So, I finally found some recipes and tested the waters, or should I say oils? Mmmm, mmmm, good.
Some of these plants are as tall as me!!
Sigh....How cute is this little munchkin???!! And, when did he start running? Seriously, people. One day he's crawling, the next he's walking, and now running. He cracks me up waddling around on those short legs. He still loves to be held and cuddled though. Makes a momma's heart just melt.
Now why can't every week be this good?


  1. Sounds like a great week! :) And I love that last picture of you and Levi!!

  2. Glad you had a smooth week. Those tomato plants look great! Fried green tomatoes...mmmm... I hope you and Levi have great week!

  3. But importantly, you NOTICED that this week was so good. Well done Mum - also on inventing the time warp thing.

  4. I love when a week is perfect - especially when you can appreciate how special that is. I'm hoping by reading your blog, my gardening skills will improve dramatically - enjoy those yummy tomatoes!

  5. YAY for a great week .. may you have many many more this summer!

  6. I hope you have more and more weeks like that!

    It's so funny how kids go from crawling to running! Hurray for Levi! My son walked for about two weeks, I think, before the running started.....

  7. Love your shirt. Love your smile. You obviously adore your little boy.


I'm so glad you're here!