Friday, June 5, 2009

Bugged Out

Around here, in the Spring and Summer we're up to our eyeballs in bugs. Some of them good; some of them bad. Sorry, God, but I just don't get it. Why mosquitoes???? And, horseflies, deer flies, red bugs, and ticks???
Other than the Summer villains, the bug world is pretty spectacular. This beauty landed on my screen porch. He was none to keen on me invading his space with my camera. Sorry, little fella!
Can you believe this is the same butterfly? Just with wings shut.

This critter has taken up residence on my screen door. Sadly, my screened in porch is really perfect for spiders. Instead of keeping the bugs out it seems to just trap them. I'm torn between thinking this spider is stunning and being creeped out by his rather monster like "face".
This leggy fella' is what we call a daddy long legs. Levi is in love. He chases these things all over the place, giggling the whole way!
Not so secretly, while pregnant I was dying to have a little boy. I'm quite girly enough as it is. I like that with a little boy, I get to let the tomboy in me out. I can chase bugs and blame it on him. ;)
Are y'all up to any bug chasing adventures?


  1. egads not a fan of spiders and the first one is SCARY!

  2. Holy cow, that is one freaky spider! I'm not a bug person at all, but I love watching my little guy run around looking for them and picking them up to study closer. He has a critter case that he carries all over the place.

    Unfortunately, we also have black widows. One was living in a truck of his that we keep outside. I FREAKED out!

  3. Ahhhhhhhh. That spider face is frightening!

  4. That's a real spider? Ewww. I am NOT a bug person. My heart races whenever I have to do a bug extermination. Why do the bug emergencies always happen when my husband isn't home?

  5. That first spider IS scary looking! I don't think I've ever seen one like that before...but we love to chase daddy long legs spiders around here! :)

  6. Ew. That first "monster face spider" gives me the creeps. I am so not a fan of spiders. Yuck, Yuck, Triple Yuck.

  7. I'm also pretty fascinated by bugs - as long as they are not on my body! (It's the frogs and snakes that I could do without). But, for my boys' sakes, I LOVE snakes, spiders and frogs - from a distance anyway. :)

    BTW, those are some great pictures!

  8. Well, we have a mixed bag living in the suburbs. We don't have many bug issues, but we also don't get to see a lot of butterflies and such. I miss the butterflies.

  9. that spider is downright creepy. shudder....


I'm so glad you're here!