Friday, February 20, 2009

Is It Friday Already??????

How is it possible to get to the end of the week and not realize it?? I was genuinely shocked when I woke up this morning and realized what day it was. The sad thing is that yesterday I was perfectly aware that it was Thursday. It really shouldn't be that much of a surprise for Friday to follow Thursday. It only happens every single week. Hmmm...maybe I need my head examined.
On to other things that have slipped my sieve-like brain....the very sweet Amber from The Nutrients of Life tagged me for a fun little meme earlier this week.
The rules:
“go into your photo archive, pick the 4th folder in the archive, select the 4th picture in the folder, and write about it. Then tag 4 other people to do the same”Admittedly, not the most flattering of pics. The hospital room glow does wonders, huh? This is me and my sister, Annie, in the hospital getting ready for what could easily be described as one of the scariest nights of our lives. Of course, we had no idea what was coming when this picture was snapped, hence the smiles. Luckily, babies are so worth all the crazy events that lead up to their arrival! Sigh.
On to the tagging part. about...
Erin that's not a typo!
Enjoy your weekend! I think I'm going to do some relaxing, and maybe plug up some of those holes in my brain. What about you?


  1. You say it's not a flattering pic, but you look awfully cute! And I suppose it's probably a blessing that you don't really know what you're getting into before you give birth, huh?! lol

  2. I love that pic, you are glowing. Very sweet.
    Thanks for playing along...xx

  3. I agree with the photo comments-you look great!

    Have you ever blogged your birth story? I'd love to read about it.

  4. Oh yay, you tagged me! I will play along tonight when I get alone time with the computer. I think you look amazing by the way, not unflattering at all. I want to read your birth story too... I love birth stories. :)

  5. Oh my goodness! Are you always beautiful? I don't think I like you very much. :)

    I would love to hear your birth story too! You mentioned that you had an emergency c-section also??? I would appreciate hearing someone else's experience with that! I am planning on blogging soon, but nursing is tough and the most I'm up to is posting pictures right now :)

    Also, I read the post about soaking up every moment with Levi now... and that post made me cry. I cannot believe how strong you are as a single parent and what a wonderful Mamma you are to your little man! You are an inspiration and I try to remember to lift you up in my prayers often.

    God bless you and your lil man!

  6. Gosh yes I look at those photo's of myself and it takes me right back to both my births...good and not so good.
    And yes I understand the days is Tuesday here and I am still at the end of LAST week!! Thanks for tagging me btw....


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