Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wreaths For The Birds...A Tutorial

*This post was featured on One Pretty Thing!*

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
Matthew 6:26

Yesterday we made bird feeder wreaths.  Levi really enjoyed this one, and as we were crafting he was shouting "Feed birdies, feed birdies!".
So, here goes a step by step "tutorial"...

Step 1:  Collect supplies.  We used muscadine vines.  Any type of (non-poisonous) thin, bendable vine should do.

We also collected some greenery (rosemary and moss), magnolia leaves (these weren't actually for the wreaths, but they come in handy), peanut butter, twine, and bird seed.

Step 2:  While collecting supplies, you should definitely take a moment to admire the view.  Because, the world is beautiful...

Step 3:  Give your munchkin a pair of scissors and a magnolia leaf.  This will buy you time while you make the wreaths...

Step 4: While your munchkin is busy, take one length of vine and wrap it to create a circle...

Step 5: Continue wrapping vines around your circle until you like your wreath.  The twisted vines hold themselves together, so there's no need for glue...

At this point you can add greenery or just leave it plain.  We opted for one of each.  Rosemary tucks nicely into the wreath and can be wrapped around, and moss can be stuck on with peanut butter in a later step.

Step 6:  Tie a piece of twine around the top of your wreath and place on a plate.  You'll probably have peanut butter and bird seed everywhere despite the plate, but I still suggest the plate...

Step 7:  Smear on the peanut butter, and add seeds.  At this point the munchkin is highly likely to temporarily loose interest in chopping up magnolia leaves....

Step 8:  Take your wreaths outside and hang on some branches for the feathered varieties to enjoy...

Step 9:  When your munchkin plops down on a pile of posts, and says, "Take picture, take picture."  Well, you should definitely take a picture...



  1. Oh they are just awesome...and look how pleased little Levi looks!

  2. That's such a fun idea!! And I loooove that last picture of Levi - adorable!

  3. Ooooh, I love this idea! Looks like Levi had fun. :)


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