Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sweet Dreams

This week's favorite bedfellows were a combo of these little stacking blocks (in his hand) and books. It was a different book every night, but he couldn't go to sleep without them.
The funny thing is that the kid loves to be read to, but not at bedtime. Every night a little before 8 he informs me that it's time for "nap-nap". I get him dressed, and we crawl into bed. If I actually make the mistake of trying to read the book he's holding, he almost always screams and says, "Tun light on! Tun light on!" Which actually means "Turn light off."....So I do.


  1. I like the new digs!

    Georgia loves her books at bedtime. Her daddy reads her a couple books everynight and then she always has a half a dozen in bed with her. She lays near the end of her bed to take advantage of the hallway light and reads (looks at pictures) until sleep takes over.

  2. How wonderful that he loves books so. We're going through and I don't wanna sit still long enough to listen to a story phase. Sigh.

  3. Awww...very cute...books are great toys too! :)

  4. That Itsy Bitsy Spider book is one of Violet's favorites too!

  5. I just love all these pictures of your son and cool stuff he snuggles up with at night!


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