Monday, November 9, 2009

An Update

Yesterday, an outdoor adventure was attempted...
It was a complete flop and lasted all of 5 minutes, but I figure it's a good sign that we made the attempt. We are definitely on the mend...still a tad ick feeling, but nothing a little extra rest can't cure. Oh, and, we won't be attempting anymore outdoor adventures until tomorrow...maybe even Wednesday.
How are y'all holding out?


  1. Oh, so sorry to hear that you all were sick! But it's good that you're on the mend, and hopefully you'll be fully recovered in no time!

    We had some rare warm sunshiney weather this weekend, so we enjoyed getting out.

  2. Glad you are all feeling better. We're slowly getting over a sickness here too. Take care!

  3. I am SO GLAD you guys are getting better and uh, Levi looks just like you in that photo. What a sweet sweet guy.

  4. Sorry to hear you guy are under the weather, hope you get better soon.

  5. I enjoy your blog and I gave you the lemonade stand award. Go to to get it!

  6. Aw, I hope you guys are feeling better now and can go experience many fun adventures! You son is such a sweetie - I love all of his hats. Too bad the only hat my son will wear is his plastic fireman hat :)

  7. Hope you are both feeling better. He is looking so grown up!


I'm so glad you're here!