Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Since Levi was itty bitty he has loved for me to read to him. Lately though, his love for books has gone to new levels. He has begun to really study his books....trying to decipher them I suppose. He slowly flips pages and intensely stares at each one. When we're reading books together he stops me on pages of interest. When he's ready to move past those pages he lets me know, and we continue. This week he's even taken to sleeping with his books. It's been a different one each night...a fairytale, a little story about a boy named Bill, a book about monsters (good ones of course), and one of his all time favorites...I'm Quick As A Cricket.
Sigh...I think he takes after me. I have fond memories of sneaking books and a flashlight under my pillow.


  1. Awe ... nothing is better than a good book!

    Georgia loves books. Book was her first word. Like Levi she usually has books in bed with her.

    I love it!

  2. Oh that is so sweet...a good book, nothing beats it. Hope you are well beautiful lately. I have not been here in a few or so and have missed it...xx

  3. He's just not one for rounded edges, is he?!

  4. Oh books...so so good...and pretty cute too.


I'm so glad you're here!