Sunday, January 25, 2009

When He Shuts A Door....

He opens a window. Sometimes it takes a little shove in the right direction to see the open window, but I'm here to tell you it's so there!
A couple of weeks ago I got some not so fabulous news. You see, I'm self employed, and my work schedule is only planned out for 3 to 6 months at a time. Unstable, I know, but I like it and it's flexible--i.e. good for being a mommy. I thought that I had it planned out for the next 6 months, and it very unexpectedly fell through. At first it was just the next three months that fell through, but then the whole darn thing went crashing down. Eeeek!!! To be honest, I was already having a pre-crash nagging feeling that I needed to head in a new direction, but I made the mistake of ignoring said pre-crash nagging feeling. So, basically God was speaking, and I was dumb enough to ask him to speak a little louder. I'm sure we all know what happens when you ask God to speak up. Note to self: Listen louder!
Anyway, pre-crash this job as the children's ministries director at my church had come up for grabs, and I thought "Hmmm...that would suit me, but I really don't have the time." I had a million excuses, of course, so, I didn't apply, despite the pre-crash nagging feeling and the prodding of my mother. Then God sent me a memo in the form of my plans falling flat, so I applied. I got the job and also have plans in the works for other fun mommy friendly projects. Yay to windows! Who needs doors?!
P.S. I jest only because I've finally seen the window. I couldn't have had a sense of humor about it even yesterday. So, if you are currently in a door closing situation, just hold tight. God will show you a window. It just might take a little time. I'm still looking for the windows in other areas of life. Hopefully soon I'll get to blog about finding those too!


  1. Children's minister sounds like a wonderful job for you! Congratulations!

  2. I am glad it looks like it is all going to work out.

  3. Congrats on the job! I love it when God "surprises" us with unexpected opportunities...

  4. yay for windows and congrats on your new job. it sounds perfect!

  5. It's always humbling when God has to speak louder. The new job sounds perfect for you! I hope the transition goes smoothly.

  6. Congrats! I know you'll do a great job!

    My fav quote: "Want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans!"

  7. Your faith is inspiring....and congratulations to you. I think sometimes we are talking too loudly or questioning ourselves that we don't hear anything else, like direction....well that's me sometimes anyway.

  8. Isn't it awesome to see God work things out in our lives. Thanks for sharing how he is providing for you. The new job sounds like a great fit!

  9. Aw, that's great! I'm glad you didn't just find a job, but a job that you will enjoy. That's a blessing, especially in these tough times.

  10. I just love windows. No matter how small, the LIGHT always manages to get through. Congratulations on your new job! YOU WILL BE GREAT!!!

  11. congrats on your new job! I know you'll do wonderful. Its amazing how he works huh?

  12. That sounds like the perfect job for you!! And yeah...sometimes God just has to make it REALLLLY clear to me too before I accept what he's saying!

  13. congratulations...the job sounds great, I think you must deserve it :)

  14. I love "Listen Louder" I am going to use that one all the time!

    Terrific news!

  15. I'm glad things worked out for you, and what a great lesson for all of us. Sounds like a great job for you.

  16. better late than never- so excited for you! I love to see my friends happily doing what they want, through God's windows!!



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