Saturday, January 10, 2009


Levi is currently napping, so I'm going to take the opportunity to play along with this little meme. Danielle from Wonderful Odds & Ends tagged me this time around. The rules are simple: Share six random things about yourself. I think I can do that one.

1) I love to read. I'm currently reading John Holt's How Children Learn. It's quickly becoming one of my favorites. Next, I am considering rereading an old favorite by Wendell Berry, Life is a Miracle.
2) If I ever have another baby, I want a home birth. One hospital birth experience was quite enough for me.
3) I don't set New Year's resolutions. For me, they are too contrived, thus, bound to flop.
4) I have a fix-it list a mile long. Included but not limited to a few dings in my living room and bathroom walls, a broken window screen, holes in my screen porch, a wooden play oven that I found for FREE but needs some tlc, and the list goes on.
5) I love to take walks with Levi and show him the horses, plants, and creepy crawly things that inhabit our rather large backyard.
6) I don't like peanut butter. I know, I know, how terribly un-American of me, but I can't help myself.

If the fancy strikes, feel free to play along. I'd love to read your 6 random things. Let me know if you play along. :)


  1. Such a fun post! I loved learning more about you!

    I, too, love to read...although I haven't had much time for it lately (aside from reading blogs).

    I'm opting for a birth center delivery this time around. I completely agree with your statement: one hospital birth was quite enough for me too.

    I can't believe you don't like peanut butter. I love that creamy stuff. Especially the natural kind.

  2. I just had to come to your blog after reading your comment on Amber's post Mountain Magic and give you the words to the Nursey Rhyme: Kookaburra. Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,
    Merry, merry King of the bush is he,
    Laugh, Kookaburra laugh,
    Kookaburra, gay your life must be!
    I am a kinder teacher, and I fear that these types of rhymes are being forgotton and not passed onto our kids. It is of course an Aussie classic, I'm sure you have some American tradtional faves.

  3. Oh you beautiful thing...I can really tell you love doing those things with your boy...i bet he loves to do them with you too..thanks for sharing..xx

  4. thanks for letting me know that you will pray for me, and I will also be praying for you.

    it's encouraging to know that others are feeling antsy and are in transition, so I know I'm not alone in struggle. If there is anything more specific that I could pray for you about let me know.

  5. Yes, absolutely have a homebirth if you have another baby! After giving birth at home twice now, I can say that laboring at home makes the process so much more pleasant!


I'm so glad you're here!