Friday, January 23, 2009

A Quilt And A Bird

As I was working on this (You might remember it from here) ...
I heard an unusually loud chirping. And, what do you know, a bird was trapped on my porch. Poor thing! I opened the screen door, so hopefully he will find his way out.
By the way, the two quilt blocks in the first pic are eventually going to be lap quilted together along with 5 other blocks that have yet to be started.


  1. I remember your beautiful quilt!

    How fun you got a picture of the bird on your porch before you let him go.

  2. Oh gosh, that quilt is impressive. And your porch looks so awesome. I want a porch like that!

  3. I love the 2nd picture, the close up of the square. The colors are gorgeous.

    Hope the bird figured how to make his way out.

  4. The quilt's looking better and better!! Did you the little birdie find it's way out?

  5. Wow those are gorgeous blocks!
    I am going to *try* to sew a quilt before summer.

    Poor bird, hope he made it out. I totally adore your porch!

    ps came over from Damselfly, she has great taste in blogs :)

  6. Ooh I'm still loving that quilt! I hope your sweet bird found it's way out safely.


I'm so glad you're here!