Monday, January 5, 2009

These Boots Were Made For Walkin'

Of late, Levi has become fascinated by shoes. He enjoys chewing on them, hiding them, and, on occasion, actually trying them on. You can just see the wheels turning here: "Ah, so that's what these things do!"
A little help from the Nan.
Have I mentioned that he calls his Nana "Nan nan nan nan!" It's very similar to the way he refers to me. Except I'm "Ma ma ma ma ma!" And we are only ever called by name when he's angry and in desperate need of attention. He's also started saying "No" except it turns into a three syllable word when he says it--like "Na-oh-oh!".


  1. Now that is cute! My husband is a boot wearer ... the boys always enjoy playing with them :-)

  2. cute! well now that he has started to walk of course he'll need some boots.

    It will be exciting for you to see his speech developing....another way for you to communicate with your wonderful little guy.

  3. Too cute! It's so fun to see little ones discovering the world!


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