Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Potty Time

I got Levi an itty bitty potty of his own. To be honest though I have no intention of potty training him. That probably sounds strange. I know I'm "supposed" to potty train him, but really, do you know any adults who don't know where to do their business? My grandmother raised 7 munchkins...she didn't potty train any of them. So, I'm figuring he'll catch on given time. Until then, he loves his potty. He puts it in a laundry basket and totes it around the house. He carries it from room to room. He stands on it.
He even sits on it, and pretends to be going potty. He generally has a diaper and pants on while doing this. Oh, yeah, note that he's taken the pee catching apparatus out of the potty. Hmmm...what shall we do with this?
Oh, I know! A hat. ;)
He has actually peed in it once. Last week, we were getting ready for a shower when he decided that it was imperative that he sit on his potty. About 10 minutes later he gets up, crouches down for a closer look, and says, "Eeww, goss." Low and behold, there was pee in that potty. Hmmm...maybe he's catching on faster than I expected....then again, maybe not. ;)


  1. It worked for me! I bought the potty at 18 months and she'd sit on it, occassionally go potty on it. Yesterday I said we were going diaper free and she could sit on it if she needed to go. I reminded her once or twice. And just like that. Today we've had not a single accident. I guess what I'm saying is they know when they are ready and I applaud your method!

  2. I forgot to mention I love your new header.

  3. That's exactly what we did! It works well. No stress no mess. Just learning by example. They tend to follow their parents naturally.
    Way to go Madeline. ;)

  4. yeah they all figure it out. No one goes to college in a pull-up. ;-) it is good though he is interested in the potty and your not making him all stressed over it. He will figure it out on his own.

  5. the hat idea! Very stylish if I do say so myself! :)

  6. great method, you can't make'em until they're ready. Anyway looks like he is becoming very comfortable with his new potty. and that's the most important thing.
    Must say it is a relief when they eventually leave those nappies behind....

  7. Yeah, we kind of just let lia figure out when she was ready. That's the best way, i think.

  8. We are going without diapers with our guy. No pressure but no pants either. He is getting it and I am not changing two diapers.

  9. I let my oldest wait until he was ready. He wasn't ready until almost 4 but when he was he was trained in one weekend!

    I might have to help my middle son along, though, as he seems like the type that might need my gentle encouraging.


  10. I like your laid back approach.

    You know, I didn't think potty training was half bad. In fact, it was kind of fun. We just tried to model the appropriate actions and we cheered when she went on her own...and she learned soon enough. It was a very peaceful process overall.


I'm so glad you're here!