Friday, June 27, 2008


So Levi has this super mild case of cradle cap that I decided to tackle last night. I might only be able to see it when the sun hits it at just the right angle, but it still bugs me. Following my hairdresser's instructions, I put some baby oil on his head and scrubbed. Which was all fine and dandy until I tried to wash it out. Ha ha. . . that didn't work. This morning he woke up with a head full of grease and looking a little funky. So I decided to make the best of it. . .

Cute, huh? Here's another pick of the two of us chillin' before I had to go supervise some kiddos in the art of mess making.

Oh, by the way, later in the day I was at the quilting store. And, of course, I felt the need to explain to everyone there that yes, my child really is clean. He's just had a run in with the baby oil. This very sweet lady gave me a helpful tip that I'm going to pass on just in case you too find yourself in this very same predicament. Two words: Baby Powder. It works magic! Just rub a little in and voila greasy, oily mess is gone! In the meantime, though, a mohawk is a nice alternative.

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