Sunday, June 8, 2008

For Levi's Nona and Nono in Argentina

I'm so glad y'all were able to find the blog. I hope these pictures brighten your days. I know how much you love and miss seeing Levi grow up.
Levi has become very interested in the camera, so if he realizes it's around he tries to climb over people to get to it. It's the same with remote controls, telephones, and glasses of water. He's a funny little munchkin.

Here he is trying to grab the camera:

And of course trying to eat the camera:

And just look at that chunky thigh. Couldn't you just eat him up? I prayed and prayed for a tubby baby, and that is exactly what I got--all 22 pounds of him!

My dad was going out to do some work around the farm today when Levi sidetracked him. Here Levi is getting to be a big boy and wearing PawPaw's cap:

Lots of love from both of us. We hope to see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. He is adorable!! :) I love that picture of him with the hat on! Too cute.


I'm so glad you're here!