Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Random Photo and 7 Things

Thanks to Leigh @ Marvelous Kiddo for tagging me for this fun little meme. If you've never checked her out you should. She's got quite a marvelous little corner of cyberspace there.

The rules:
Link to your tagger and list the rules
List 7 random facts about yourself
Tag 7 people (and make sure you check back and see what they say!)
If you're tagged, play along and pass it on!

1) I love to iron, but I don't like to get the ironing board out. If I had my druthers my home would have space for a permanent spot for the ironing board, so it would just be ready and waiting for whenever the ironing mood strikes.

2) In my head I love to garden. In reality I forget to water plants. I've learned to stick with very hardy drought loving species.

3) I don't mind doing laundry, but I detest taking out the garbage. That's one of my stranger reasons for cloth diapering.

4) I am not the mother I imagined I would be. In my head I had plans to be a non-sentimental no nonsense mom who let her baby cry it out and sleep in his own room. I thought mothers who took tons of pictures and kept every scrap of anything their child touched were a little silly. Ha! I am possibly the most sentimental mother I know. I certainly wouldn't dream of letting Levi cry it out, and sleep in his own room? Maybe when he's ten. Just kidding. Sort of. (By the way, I wasn't raised according to my first plan. I just got it out of thin air which is exactly where it returned once I got pregnant.)

5) I enjoy making stuffed critters and monsters for Levi and the few other kids I know. I think he might have enough though, and I don't know that many other children. So, I might start selling them. Otherwise we'll be drowning in stuffed critters.

6) I want to homeschool Levi. I don't want him to darken the doorstep of a school until college. And, even then, only if he wants to.

7) Last but not least, I don't own a t.v. which totally freaks out the cable salespeople.

Tag, you're it...
1) Bek @ Red Chocolate
2) Amber @ Our Love Story
3) Rebekah @ Crunchy Monkeys
6) Yana @ A Record of...
7) Damselfly @ Growing a Life



  1. that was great!! And YAY for homeschooling...we are totally planning to homeschool too...oh and double Yay for no T.V.! We have one but we use it so seldom that we might as well not have one! :)

  2. yes, I think at one point when I was a teenager CIO sounded like such a good idea...funny how that all changes once it's your own baby!

  3. I hate doing laundry and taking out the garbage!

    I wish I had the patience to home school. I know I don't.

    I enjoyed your answers :)

  4. Thanks Madeline! I'm going to go do this right now :-)

  5. I absolutely loved reading your 7 things! This was such a fun post.

    Leigh {Marvelous Kiddo} does have a great blog, doesn't she? I love stopping in over there.

    Your #4 made me smile. I had a somewhat similar experience. Motherhood changed me so much - it's hard to describe how much love a parent has for a child before that baby arrives. It's so full and intense and's really indescribable.

    #7 on your list is very cool. We watch TV rarely in our home and I have often contemplated just waving bye-bye to the machine...

  6. ah, we are so much alike. :) Although if Lia really wants to go to school I'll let her, but I bet after a few days she'd wonder why she ever wanted to go!

  7. Hey thanks for the tag- was my very first! I feel like a true blogger now! :)

  8. I ammore drawn to homeschooling every day...

    I am not feeling creative enough for this meme, but I think I'll do the other one! :-)


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