Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who Needs Toys...

when there's a radio to be played with? If it has buttons or dials and Levi sees someone using it, he wants it--bad! Here he is with Nana "listening" to the radio. He threw a monster fit, when it was time to go! We don't watch t.v. around here, but remote controls are one of his favorite "toys" with buttons. A few months ago, I took the batteries out of an old remote and let him play with it. He was tricked there for a little while, but now he's figured out that when we watch movies, his is not the preferred remote. The wool is no longer over his eyes. He wants nothing to do with his powerless control. I've considered buying toys that look like the things we use (remotes, radios, telephones), but I am now convinced that it would be useless. He would soon be after the real thing. All that glitters is not gold.


  1. haha...yes, toys that arn't really toys seem to be the best, don't they? :)

  2. What a great idea for a plaything!

  3. Yes- SO TRUE! My kids always liked the things that were NOT toys.



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