Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm Still Here

I haven't dropped off the face of the planet. It's just that my computer has been a tad aggravating lately. And, it's been raining just about every single day...I'm so not complaining. But, I do get a bit tired when it rains this much. So, I've been napping instead of blogging. Napping and cleaning and doing pretty much anything that doesn't involve me feeling the need to pitch my computer out of the window.
Things like.....
:Stealing a few moments outdoors.
:Picking an abundance of blueberries.
:Playing chase...oh, yes, we have discovered a new favorite game.
:Counting toes and fingers..."Fife toes" "one, do, foe, fife, sic" Somehow three rarely gets tossed into the mix.
:Of course, there's always "dawing."
:And "Ugs."
:Riding, too...
:But, amidst all the cuteness lets not forget the giganto temper tantrums. We have entered Tantrumville, and I am so not excited. This morning he couldn't decide whether or not he wanted his shoes on. This sent him into absolute orbit, and he flung himself headfirst into the foot of his bed. He now has a very fat bottom lip. Lets just say, it's a good thing he's so darn cute. Otherwise, I might have to check myself into a hotel....alone.


  1. I'm listening to my 5-year-old son crying right now because he is sooooo tired and emotional and Kindergarten takes a lot out of a little guy. So I feel your pain. (Thank goodness my guy is still cute too.)

    Send some of those blueberries my way! The baby loves them and they're so expensive at the store.

  2. The counting thing cracks me up. My 2-year-old almost always counts "1, 2, 9, 7, 8!" before she takes off running! ;)

    P.S. Tantrumville "happens" to the best of us. Hopefully, we'll both exit that destination soon...

  3. I love your blog! I'm a southern-gal too. Hope you have a great day!

  4. Oh yes...those cute times make for great balance for us Mama's at this age! And he is rather cute!


I'm so glad you're here!