Saturday, August 8, 2009

Slumber Party

You're not going to believe this one. The other day, Levi found my drill. He carried it around all day long. At bedtime (which he calls nap-nap...same as nap time), he clutched the drill to his chest, looked pleadingly at me, and said in his most pitiful voice, "nap-nap, nap-nap." How could I resist? I let him take it to bed with him. Don't ask about the logistics of the three of us cuddling. It was uncomfortable to say the least. He even insisted on pulling the trigger a few times before he finally passed out.
Once I was beyond a doubt positive that Levi was asleep, I removed the drill. If I'd moved it a second earlier, my ears would have been assaulted by wails and pitiful pleas for "scwew-diver"....Beats me as to how the kid decided that drills are synonymous with screwdrivers.
Haven't you always wanted to curl up with a nice, cuddly drill?


  1. hahaha! that tops them all.
    my advice: hide any/all hedge clippers/hacks saws/etc, lest bed time get too violent. ;)

    levi is adorable.

  2. haha...that is soooo funny - and super cute too!

  3. I am not kidding...I am constantly dragging the hubs over to the computer to see what Levi is cuddling with next. He's so stinkin' cute.

  4. That is hilarious! Who knew drills were so cuddly?

  5. Very cute and cuddly, yes! Esme has slept with books, but never tools, so I think it's a boy thing!

  6. holy cow. we live very different lives, i tell you. i'd take a drill in the bed any day over love letters to peter pan. i love him!

  7. that is soo funny, boys just crack me up with the stuff they come up with:-) I can imagine cuddeling with a drill would be a bit difficult:-)

  8. It's so cute how little ones get attached to funny things! Levi is so sweet. The bonus is that in the future, you'll have a go-to handyman to help you with repairs!

  9. Oh yes it just gets funnier and funnier!

  10. He is SUCH a boy! I think I have said that before...

  11. He sleeps with the funniest things!


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