Thursday, August 28, 2008

More Mischief

Levi is in to EVERYTHING now. I mean nonstop. So, "No" has become a common word these days. I have to say though it is terribly difficult to discipline a child when you're about to bust a seam laughing. My mother warned me of this. The other day Levi crawled over to the dog's water bowl. He sat down next to it and started to reach his little hand in. This was about the bajillionth time he'd done this, and I was getting tired of lugging him away from it. I kept my seat, and said "Levi, No!". He looked up, quickly put both hands in his lap and grinned up at me with this you-know-I'm-the-cutest-thing-you've-ever-seen look on his face. I grinned back at him, and he reached for the bowl again. I said, "No!". He jerked those hands back into his lap and gave me the most devilish little grin and proceeded to try it again. This time the "No!" came out mid laugh which made him grin even more and me laugh even more. I guess all that laughter prompted him to give up his pursuit because he started crawling towards me. Of course, the whole thing ended in me scooping him up and smothering him in kisses. Oh, I just love being a mom!

1 comment:

  1. That No word is common around here too! Sometimes I think I should just play a recording!

    And yet, sometimes I try *not* to say no and rephrase it to something like, "Let's keep the food on the table," rather than, "No, don't throw the food on the floor." Not sure if it's making a difference -- my son still learned how to say No himself!


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