Monday, May 21, 2012

Everyday Blessings


The weekly counting of blessings...

: : Breakfast with a group of wonderful mamas.

: : Fun playdates.

: : Casting on a little something for myself.

: : 5 more weeks until baby is due!

: : Hand me downs...sorted and put away for later.

: : Fun dinners with family.

: : My sister visiting over the weekend.

: : My children's perma-grins upon the arrival of their beloved Aunt Annie.

: : Stephan rearranging our bedroom to accommodate the FIVE people who will soon be sleeping there.

: : Despite third trimester discomforts, I am extra grateful that this still classifies as the easiest of my pregnancies thus far. That has certainly been an unexpected blessing.

Hope y'all had a happy Monday!

1 comment:

I'm so glad you're here!