Thursday, September 9, 2010

Napping Beauty

Nap time has a new look at our house....

Nap Time

I promise more photos and stories are coming.  We don't have a laptop, and sitting at the computer has been....well....ouch!  I can't wait to share more though.  Sophia's birth was so peaceful and wonderful.  Okay, and really ouchie, but still beautiful. 

Thanks so much for all of your congratulations and prayers!!  I can't tell you how much they've meant to me.

P.S. I can't believe shes' here!!  I kind of want to pinch myself....and her.  The double chin and pudge just make me want to squeal. 


  1. She's precious! Can't wait to meet her!

  2. What a beautiful addition to nap time!!! Looking forward to the photos and stories!

    Congratulations again - she is so perfectly precious!!

  3. Oh, I just love all that smooshy, pudgy baby goodness!! What a beautiful picture!

    It is such a joy to read your blog and see how much you love your children!

  4. AWWWWW so so so cute!! Love this pic of them both napping together.

  5. Congratulations! Sophia is lovely! Enjoy your new life as a family of four! I hope that your body heals swiftly. xx

  6. I'm so happy for you and your family.

    Rest up + recover + enjoy the transition. We'll all be patiently waiting for your birth story and your pictures.

    Thinking of you!

  7. She does pudge beautifully. And I think any time you manage to have two wee ones sleeping simultaneously is the time to GO AND HAVE A NAP YOURSELF.

    You hearing me?

  8. Oh so lovely. I wonder how many times she is going to be requested as the required nap time cuddly. You are going to have so many joy moments watching the two of them together.

  9. Oh my!! She is so beautiful and so sweet!! Congratulations to you!! Can't wait to hear the birth story :) hope you are recovering well and feeling great!

  10. Oh gush! I've been admiring your baby pics but haven't had the time til now to comment! I have to say Sophia wears pudge so very well....I feel the need to eat her right up. Madeline she's adorable!!! x


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