Showing posts with label Independence Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independence Day. Show all posts

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Macy's 4th of July fireworks 2010, New York City 
via Flickr

A big "Thank you!" to all of those men and women who have served to make this day possible!

Happy 4th y'all!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Birthday Weekend...Fabulous

I'm a pretty lucky gal. My birthday is only a couple of days away from Independence Day, so lots of celebrating and good food happen all in a row. This year was no exception.
Of course, I got to do lots of hanging out with this little munchkin...
And, on my actual birthday, we celebrated with sushi. Levi has a new found love of chopsticks.
And, Aunt Annie even graced us with her presence. We took approximately 25 photos of the three of us, and this is the best one. Hmmm....we weren't at our most photogenic apparently.
Levi licked the ice cream bowls. He's still undecided on which he likes best green tea or red bean. My personal favorite is green tea. Sushi would probably count as healthy eats except that I ALWAYS follow it with a big bowl of green tea ice cream.
Of course the boys at the table just had to turn their chopsticks into swords. I mean really what would dinner be without transforming eating utensils into weapons?
That's about the extent of the celebratory pics. I was a tad lazy with the camera this weekend. Probably because I was too busy eating. Saturday we scored some awesome fresh shrimp from the farmer's market. We already had plans for brick-oven pizzas that night, so we went with boiled shrimp for lunch. That evening we chased the pizzas with homemade blueberry pie. Shhh...don't tell anyone, but I might have had blueberry pie and ice cream for breakfast this morning. And, Levi might possibly have had the same thing. There's a reason I don't make pies very often...It's called zero self control. Oh. my. This evening I thought it was going to be a fend for yourself kind of deal. But, when I got home my dad met me in the driveway and told me dinner was on the grill. The biggest surprise, he was grilling VEGETABLES!!! Y'all, I've spent my entire existence believing that my dad was extremely limited in his culinary skills....bread, steak, and grits were about the extent of it. So, when we chowed down on out of this world good grilled portabellos and eggplant then finished it off with mouthwateringly fabulous grilled peaches, I was floored. I just love yummy weekends. Sigh.
Oh...and, I just have to add that when I told my dad that I didn't know he could cook vegetables, he actually tried to convince me that grits were vegetables because they were made of corn. Oh. me. oh. my. See why the real veggies were such a stunner?!