Friday, September 17, 2010

A Little Comfort

A cold has been making the rounds over here.  This afternoon it caught Sophia, and ever since she's been wrapped up snug...


Is this not the cutest, most pitiful sick face ever?  She has this sweet little noise to accompany it.  My heart melts and breaks all at once.


P.S.  When I pull out a wrap Levi now asks very excitedly, "Are you gonna wear her?!!"  Oh, the things that thrill an almost three year old.


  1. Ohhhhhh, she's adorable all wrapped up on you! Poor darling :)

  2. That is the sweetest, saddest face, bless her heart.

  3. Poor little thing. I hope she gets better soon!

  4. Congratulations on your sweet girl! She's beautiful. I hope she gets better soon.

  5. Little Sophia is melting my heart with that face!!! Oh, sweet baby!

  6. First of all, you look fabulous :)
    Second - oh my word is she a sweetie! Hope she feels better soon!

  7. Love your wrap...and the baby tucked inside. Get well soon.....garlic!!!! The best remedy I have ever used for my kids and myself his garlic boiled and then strained with honey and about 1/2 teaspoon apple cider can make a rub for the little's feet too. :)

  8. So precious. And you, her and the wrap go so perfectly together!


  9. Awwwwwwwwww she is soooo cute. Love that little sick face extremely pitiful and crying out for cheek squeezing.

  10. A babywearing shot! I love it. I'm sure there's nowhere else she'd rather be than right next to you.

  11. oh, she is so tiny! and those cheeks!!!
    i miss tiny baby wearing, especially the ridiculous, "is that a baby in there ?", question when your out and about i mean really what else would i put in here!?

    Jaim now asks to wear it when he feels "ukky"
    i LOVE WRAPS!!!

  12. She's snug as a bug!

    {I think I'm ready for a newborn again...soon-ish}.


I'm so glad you're here!