As most of the world seems to be getting ready for Valentine's Day, I'm still plugging away at getting ready for our wedding! Unless Stephan has something crazy up his sleeve (unlikely, considering the insane number of hours he's had to work the past few weeks), then Valentine's day is going to be pretty low key around here. I see sleeping in and a family date to a restaurant of Levi's choosing in our future.
Of course, amidst all the preparations, I've still managed to sneak in a little Etsy Valentine's Day window shopping. You wanna see what I've found? :)
I thought these were
pretty darn adorable for the little munchkin...although, with a heart shaped muffin tin and our ten million broken crayons, we could totally conjure them up on our own....
But, these...
.these are brilliant....I want some...How fun would it be to draw with a mustache?
I also think Levi needs
this shirt...maybe next year when I'm more on top of things and it might actually get here in time for Valentine's day...But, really, wouldn't he be adorable?
As far as stuff for me, I don't need a thing. I'll be hitched to my best friend. I have the cutest little boy I've ever laid eyes on. I have a brand spanking new sewing machine (okay, so it's still waiting at the Bernina store for a part to come in....Ack!)....a new computer...and a new camera! Me thinks I could currently be classified as quite spoiled. But, if you insist on seeing a few other things that I could totally go all "Oooooh!" and "Aaaaaah!" over, well here you go...only because you twisted my arm... ;)
I think
this is so incredibly lovely....
this makes me go all "Aawwwww!!"...
And, well, I wouldn't be at all upset if Stephan secretly snuck a thumbprint from me and showed up with
this... for Stephan...I'm thinking a
terrarium kit like this one would be pretty fabulous....especially since he loves to garden, but oops we bought a house with zero sunlight in the yard. Oh. my. what are two gardeners to do? I suppose we could always hack away a few trees.
So, anything making you all swoony this time of the year?