Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Levi's latest snuggle-buddy....

Sleeping With A Dragon

Nanno gave him this dragon, and he LOVES it.  I think it's from a movie....we don't watch a lot of those, so who knows.

Sleeping With A Dragon

Lest you think it's too soft a choice for this little fella', don't worry.  There's wire in those wings.  Oh, so comfy.

P.S.  Is he not just the most pinchably delicious toddler you've ever seen?....besides your own, of course.  ;)


  1. lol! He is so funny and absolutely adorable!

  2. Love these pictures. Levi is a master sleeper! :)

  3. The movie was called "How to Train Your Dragon." It's a bit too scary for him at the moment but it's a great movie. Jack loved it and so did I. And yes, he is just the sweetest. I love following your blog.

  4. Love the dragon! And I love that he sleeps with a not so comfy snuggly creature :)

  5. Cool dragon and wire and all I still think it's more cuddly than a fire truck.

  6. WHOA. That's bigger than the usual suspects!

  7. That is a really cool looking dragon...I'd be tempted to bunk down with it too. Cuteness!

  8. He really is adorable! Love the dragon too - looks like it might be from "How To Train Your Dragon", which is a wonderful movie.

  9. Question: how do you manage to sneak in and get all these night shots? Do you use the flash? Does he wake up? you take these at nap time?

    I LOVE sleeping shots, but I don't take very many for fear of waking up my peacefully sleeping girls. :)

  10. I love all the sleep shots, I know I say this everytime, but they remind me of Jeremiah when he was a toddler.
    He is definitely adorable!!!


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