Monday, May 3, 2010

Sweet Dreams: An Early Mother's Day Present

Y'all, Levi came home happy!!!  The diversions I planned just ended up being fun things instead of attempts at distracting him from his usual wrath.  He hugged me.  He told me, "I like you!" and "I love you!" and, even, "I missed you!" over and over and over.  He was full of laughter and sweetness.  We giggled; we played; we baked; we cuddled and read; and, finally, he dozed off peacefully.  It was all kinds of wonderful.  Sigh...exactly what this mama needed.

Levi Sleeping With "Knitten"

The alien pop-tart also got a new name.  He's been dubbed "Knitten"  Generally, Levi calls things what they bunny, horsey, big elephant, little get the idea.  Since, alien pop-tart isn't yet in his repertoire of identifiable objects, he named this after what he is certain all yarn is...knitting...a.k.a. "Knitten".  We'll excuse him for his inability to distinguish between knit and crochet.  He is only two, after all.  ;)


  1. I'm so happy he came home happy :)

    Great name...I don't know the difference between knitting and crocheting either ;)

  2. Levi! Don't go changing! From here on in, it's knitten around my house too (and around here I'm the boss of everything 'knitten')...

  3. Ahhh are sleeping children so sweet. So is Knitten, you are getting very clever with your creations.

  4. I love the alien pop tart! And, what is the difference between knitting and crochet? Do tell....

  5. YAY. So glad he went a little easier on his mama! Poor little fella. : )

  6. So happy to hear that he came home happy and full of sweetness. :)

  7. Love the name! Glad you guys had a happy reunion! I had so much catching up on your blog to do!

  8. I am SO GLAD! That's such awesome news. Alien pop tart is really hilarious, by the way. Hilarious and cute. You are such a fun mama.


I'm so glad you're here!