Monday, December 28, 2009

The New And The Old

This Christmas we started a new tradition...A Christmas Eve Tea Party...

When we were little my dad would randomly have tea parties with us.  They were patterned after something a spinster neighbor used to do for him.  I thought they were spectacular with a real tea set and real tea and vanilla wafers with butter.  He would always say, "Would you like some tea with your milk and sugar?"    This year we decided to turn the tea party into a Christmas Eve tradition.  I think it's going to be a hit

What can I say?  The munchkin takes after his mama...he loves his tea!  He even likes it the way I take milk, just a little honey.

As far as old traditions go, we like to celebrate the whole 12 days of Christmas around here...because, you know, 25 days of Advent aren't enough.  ; )  No, there won't be an activity a day.  This mama might be a little touched in the head, but she's not that crazy...yet.  However, our decorations will stay up.  The Christmas music will still be playing, and Christmas books will continue to be read.  And, since Levi gets a tad overwhelmed by too many gifts at once, we saved a few small presents (books, puzzles, and such) for him to open here and there.  For Epiphany I have a special present that I've been working on...nothing remotely related to the season.  Just something that I've had in my head to do for him.

So what are your Christmas traditions?  Did you keep the ones from your own childhood, make new ones, or a little of both?


  1. Oh, a tea party. What a good idea! I also love the idea of doing the whole 12 days of Christmas. I have considered doing it, but because Clark's birthday is at the end (January 5th) I don't know if it would make it more confusing and take away from his birthday or if activities leading up to it would make his birthday more exciting. Still thinking about it, actually. Merry Christmas Madeline and Levi!

  2. What a fabulously fun tradition! And thanks M...I'm totally going to steal the giving little surprises until Jan 6th idea for next year!!

  3. What a lovely tradition! Your Dad is so very cool!

  4. That is a stinkin great idea! I might have to snag that myself... :) Maybe my son will like tea, like his mama as well?

  5. That is a splendid tradition, Christmas Eve tea!

    I have always wanted to start the 12 days of Christmas but I can never keep up the Christmas deco and songs and liveliness for that long. I crave normal happiness.


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