Monday, May 7, 2012

Everyday Blessings


That's the 33 week baby bump. It's growing daily. I'm sure of it.

If there's one thing that makes me instantly angry while pregnant and/or nursing it's heat, and since being pregnant causes me to register the temperature at about 10 degrees hotter than it actually is, I have been one grouchy mama lately. I thought that having a baby in June would feel better (i.e. cooler) than having one at the beginning of September. This is not proving to be true. I'm struggling to be pleasant these days. Sigh. All of that to say, this post is much needed to refocus my tired and hot self on the good stuff in life. So here we go.....a few blessings from my week:

: : What we thought was a broken ac really only being a tripped breaker.

: : My husband figuring out how to fix it right as I was about to lose my cool over the extra hot house.

: : A wonderful day trip to one of our favorite spots.

: : Homebirth supplies ready and waiting.

: : Baby to do's being knocked off the list.

: : A cute but not at all relaxing knit off the needles...I should avoid size 1 double points for awhile.

: : Swaddle blankets sewn.

: : Fun with other mamas and their kiddos.

: : A garden growing.

: : A little boy convinced that he's a farmer (and a lumberjack, and a carpenter, and all seven dwarfs....the list goes on).

: : My husband letting me rest as often as he can.

Really, it's been a good week. Sometimes I just need a little reminder.


  1. What a beautiful bump :)

    I'm so glad he was able to fix the AC...that would have been sooo uncomfortable.

    I cannot believe how close you're getting!

    1. Thank you! I can't believe how close I'm getting either!!! Hope you're having a blast with your new little one!!

  2. I was looking into making the same swaddlers but I jeep forgetting to buy gauze, that may be an after baby project... I do however feel ya on the heat it drains my energy and patience!

    1. I ended up ordering the gauze. The only fabric stores around here that carry it are really out of the way, and I didn't want to make a special trip. They're super easy though. You'll be able to whip them out in no time!

  3. And don't we all! (need those reminders). Handy for reminders, this blog-writing bizzo. Go easy Mama...

  4. Kudos for you staying positive. That last month or so really can be a doozy, can't it? Hang in there. And cool compresses (or coolie bands) on the wrists whenever possible helps.

  5. It's getting close! But I know at this point, 40 weeks still feels like FOREVER away, and not necessarily in a good way, since you are getting more uncomfortable by the minute. But I can tell you that it's awesome over here on the other side, and you'll get here soon enough! Stay hydrated in this heat!


I'm so glad you're here!