Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sweet Dreams

These photos were taken at the end of last week.  We had all day long issues with this spray bottle...

Asleep Wtih A Spray Bottle

Asleep Wtih A Spray Bottle

A certain someone "Reeeeeeeyyyeeeeee" needed water in his spray bottle so he could spray the walls.  Hmmmm....that would be a negative darlin'.  Sorry.


  1. But it would be sooo much fun, mean Mummy :-) love the ant PJ's super cute.

  2. You can tell that kid plays hard all day long, cause he sure sleeps hard. I love the sleep series pictures, and yes - those jammies are adorable!

  3. those two pictures just make we want to fall into bed.

  4. We have similar spray bottle issues here. Consequently the external walls of our house are dreamy clean - but just up to kid height.

  5. It's funny how much they NEEEEEEED things isn't it? HA!

  6. So he likes clean walls? ;) I hope he falls asleep with something funny every night forever!

  7. We get lots of use with spray bottles...on the fence outside! Definitely not an inside toy!! Sweet Levi. :)

  8. Oh he is perfect, sleeping angel...bottle and all..xx

  9. Okay, what is the deal? Clark loves spray bottles too. Loooooves spray bottles.

  10. Audrey has never played with a spray bottle...hmm.. I'm sure she would love it.

    Your boy is such a cutie!

  11. You mean you can say no? (Ha ha - we let Ronan wash the sliding glass doors, but only if he wipes it up with a towel). And - Ronan always wants to spend the night with his grandparents...if you got to eat mac n' cheese and goldfish for every meal AND have undivided attention all day, wouldn't you? :)


I'm so glad you're here!