Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An Easy Peasy Hat

I have a new favorite way to make hats...
These are seriously easy. Step 1: Felt a very large, thrifted wool sweater (wash on hot and dry). Step 2: Cut the arm off of the sweater. Cut along the edge of the armhole. Step 3: Tie a knot at the end of the sleeve--towards the wrist. All done!
I wish I knew where I found this idea. I can't for the life of me remember! I made one in green, too. Levi looks like a little elf when he wears it.
This kid has a ridiculously large hat collection. I generally knit and crochet them, but this was too easy and fun not to try. So, do you have any favorite super easy crafts?


  1. That is awesome! I am going to try it!

  2. You're amazing! Wish my son would wear a hat. My baby doesn't mind things on his head. So far...

  3. I am huge fan of toques (aka the wool cap) the kids have a huge collection!

    I mostly knit them

  4. Just love this idea, I will definitely make one well two for winter.


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