A list of the Barefoot Mama's favorite reads...frequently updated...and in no particular order. These are the gals in the blogosphere who I would love to live next door to. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Casual Friday Every Day: Nell is a genuinely sweet, hardworking mama to three adorable little boys. Her posts are down to earth and wonderfully inspiring. You're sure to love her!
Homemade Rainbows: Leanne is one very cool mama, writer, gardener, dreamer, and maker of things. Speaking of making she makes me want to move to Australia. Her garden looks so incredibly exotic and delicious.
Red Chocolate: Bek is one of the sweetest, most generous bloggers in town. (Okay, so in town is stretching it a wee bit since she lives in Australia.) She is the mum to two of the most adorable munchkins in the Southern Hemisphere, and she's always pulling something fabulously crafty out of her sleeve.
Mama Sparkles: Marissa is a super sweet mama to one very cute little fella'. She always has a kind word and a smile.
Marvelous Kiddo: Leigh is a babywearing, breastfeeding, homebirthing mama with a killer sense of style. She resides in New York with her husband and two marvelous kiddos. You really must check her out.
Mulberry Spot: Hannah is a sweet stay at home mama to three beautiful little ones. She's fashionably frugal and full of great, down to earth advice.
Metropolitan Mama:
Stephanie is one of my all time favorites. She's a pastor's wife and a mama to two lovely little ladies. Her blog shines with her sweet and generous nature. And, lets not forget, she's extra smart and savvy too! Oh, and she just wrote her first book...I highly suggest it.
Nutrients of Life: Amber's words and wonderful attitude will have you loving and embracing this beautiful life. She's currently expecting her third little one. So, go on over and give her a big "Congrats!"
Myrtle and Eunice:
Tania is a witty, wickedly talented Australian mum. Her blog is delightfully beautiful, and she offers up some lovely looking crafty tutorials. Oh, and did I mention how very friendly she is?
Dera just needs to move a couple states over this way, so we can have lunch and playgroups together. She's a mama to two of the funniest, prettiest, most talented little girls imaginable, and one of those little munchkins even has her own blog named Sam...it makes me want to squeal!
It's Your Movie: Oh, you really must meet Erin. She is simply wonderful! And, her munchkins...oh. my. does it get any cuter?!! This gal is smart, sweet, witty, and talented. She is a must read.
A Little House by the Big Woods:
Go on over for a visit, and you'll quickly be hooked on the adventures of Jill's family in their little house by the big woods. Her tales of farm life are enchanting.
Heart Go Boom-Boom:
Yana is a stylish and delightful newlywed. And, she's about to be a new mama. Her blog is delightful and covers all the topics that make her heart go "boom-boom."
Tropic of Mom: Holly is a Florida mama to two little boys. She shares humor-filled stories of life as a stay at home mama, envy inducing photos of Florida sunshine, and tips on motherhood.
Adventures in Babywearing: Stephanie writes from the heart about mothering 3 cuter than pie little boys and 1 gorgeous little gal. Her posts are poetic and endearing.
Spoken For: Andrea is a down to earth, Canadian mama to two with one more little blessing on the way. She has a positive attitude and a generous, friendly spirit.
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