Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Food and Knitting

A good day = fulfilled pregnancy cravings and loads of knitting.

Today was a good day.
Stephan (my knight in shining armor) not only went out of his way to get me the best tacos around....

But, he also made me a bowl of my very favorite. Tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, and mint swimming in lemon juice...heaven.

And, he let me sit around knitting all afternoon while he entertained the kiddos.

I don't think I could have asked for a better husband. Or a better day.

Hope you had a happy Wednesday, too!


  1. Sounds like a great day!!! what a blessing!

  2. Ah, what a sweet husband and sweet day!

  3. Where did the tacos come from? I'm so glad you have a wonderful husband too!

    1. An Hispanic store in Pearl. I think it's called mercados Los Angeles. It's on 80. It's next to a beauty school, and I think it's in the same shopping center with a grocery store (Country Market?). I'm helpful. I know. If you're looking for good tacos in your area go to Maria's next to the laundromat. Hers are great too! Neither place speaks much English, so expect to do a lot of pointing.

    2. where is Maria's? major craving!!!

  4. Yes, do tell about the tacos...those look yummy! Now I'm craving them!

    1. It's in Pearl off of 80. I think it's called Mercado Los Angeles. It's next to a beauty school, and I think it's in the same shopping center with a grocery store...Country Market...maybe.


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