Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Little Magic


You know those moments from childhood that are just sheer magic?  This village is one of those...for me and now for Levi.  My parents used to take us to see this every year.  Back then it was in a man's front yard.  Hundreds of people tromped through year after year until he finally had to give it away...probably to keep his neighbors at bay and to save his yard which turned into mush by the time the season was over.  I remember parking far down his street and walking in the cold just to see this.  We would peek into every window and ooooh and ahhhh over all of the little details...the music coming from the church, the advent wreaths on the tables and Christmas trees in each house and store. (This photograph by no means does it justice.)  Every year he added something new, and every year I looked forward to seeing it.   

By the time I had Levi we weren't sure where the village was.  But, this year, we found it.  For anyone else around here who might be looking for it head to Madison.  It's near the railroad tracks, and it is so worth the visit.  Levi was mesmerized....especially by the church with the little people tucked away in the pews and the music streaming from it....magic....pure Christmas magic.  

Are there any traditions from your childhood that you now share with your children...or wish that you could?


  1. I think my favorite is ...Christmas eve - after candle-light service we all come home...have hot cocoa in santa mugs and open ONE present each.

    It's perfect - even when it's not perfect :) ya know?!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. This village is one of Jack's favorite memories. He wants to do one of his own.


I'm so glad you're here!