Thursday, March 18, 2010


This is the only bit of Spring in our yard.  Me thinks we need to plant more!


On another happy note, I felt the baby move yesterday!  I just love those first fluttery thumps.  Although this pregnancy is super different from Levi's, the two bambinos are the same on this.  They both kicked at 14 weeks. 


  1. I felt this one around then too and it took me by surprise. How exciting!

  2. Oh I am so excited for you! Two beautiful signs of growth and renewal.

  3. I just loved those flutters....and then later the dance party. The dude used to dance ALL night long. Ah ha ha

  4. Nice shot, love daffodils!

    Oh, I don't think I've ever felt my babies move so early! Or, it's always just uncertain. But how exciting! I'm getting more fluttery kicks all the time...the bigger kids keep wanting to feel, but it'll be awhile!

  5. awwww!

    SPRING AND BABIES!!! What could be better, or more happy and squeal-inducing??

    My crocus just budded and my tulips are shooting up! Can't wait till they are blooming. I also can't wait till I can plant some tomatoes!


I'm so glad you're here!