Friday, October 2, 2009

Have I Ever Mentioned....

...that I'm pretty darn sure I have the cutest kid this side of the Mason-Dixon Line? Oh. my. stars. He just makes me grin every time I look at him. Do you realize how difficult it is to get mad at such cuteness?
In an attempt at entertaining him while trying to clean, I handed him a can of crayons and some paper. You might wonder where the paper is...still on his desk. Apparently shoveling crayons is the thing to do these days. Really, who needs drawing anymore? Mid-crayon shoveling I looked over to see him chewing....
Me: Audible gasp, "Did you take a bite out of your crayons?!!"
Him: Giant grin accompanied by a big ole' head nod.
Me: Side splitting laughter.
Hmmm...guess it's not really a proper childhood without a little crayon chomping.


  1. I'd have to agree he is pretty cute!


  2. haha...I caught Emily trying to take a bite out of a crayon today too!! Do they really taste THAT good?! ;)

  3. too cute. shoveling crayons is good hand eye coordiantion:-) He is a sweet kid, it is hard to get mad when they are so cute.

    I think all kids eat a cryaon at some point they at least are non-toxic, and it will reappear- you know where:-)

  4. Mmm.. colored wax and paper wrap.. yum. :)

  5. No it's not...from the household of crayon connoisseurs!! ;)


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