Monday, June 30, 2008
Pulling Up
Friday, June 27, 2008
Win This Too!
Y'all know how much I love Bum Genius, so I am so signing up for this one. Despite the fact that I never win anything, but you just never know. Good luck!
Win This!
Cute, huh? Here's another pick of the two of us chillin' before I had to go supervise some kiddos in the art of mess making.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Busy, Busy Bees
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Mississippi Summer--Sticky but Beautiful
1. My baby's toes--because they are so much cuter sans socks.
2. Fried Green Tomatoes--not the movie--the real veggie variety.
3. Homegrown tomatoes--screaming, fire engine red, and absolutely yummylicious.
4. Getting to wear flip flops and sandals without people asking me if my feet are cold.
5. Air conditioning--because although summer is lovely and has many wonderful perks, Mississippi gets mighty sweltering.
6. My Birthday--which oddly enough seems to come faster every year.
7. The blueberry bushes in the back forty which will soon be full of fabulously delish and exceptionally beautiful, big, fat, juicy blueberries.
8. Homemade Blueberry Pie--believe me the minute those blueberries plump up and turn blue, Levi will get his very first sweltering hot blueberry picking experience, and once I've cooked up a lovely blueberry pie he can watch me eat it. Someday his momma's blueberry pie will be his favorite.
9. Spiderwebs--not the one's that I've been doing battle with on my front porch, but the one's that are out and about gloriously, glistening in the sun and fully visible so you don't run headfirst into them.
10. Green--I love green, and Mississippi is always green. Even in the winter there's still a good bit of green, but when spring and summer hit the green just sings. It's beautiful!
If you want to play along click on over to Mama's Nest. I found out about this meme at this lovely blog.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Sneezes and Sniffles
Luckily, getting home seemed to soothe him, and finally, a few good sneezes later he was able to nurse. He's been pretty miserable since, but no fever. Thank goodness! I just have to say better this week than next. I teach children's art camps in the mornings during the summer, and it just so happened that this week I was off. Good timing, huh? So Monday morning the chunkeroo and I will hopefully be all better and heading off to work together. Wish us luck!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Wakey, Wakey, Eggs 'n' Bakey
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Playing Around
Oh, and his new thing is to say "Bla, bla, bla, bla" over and over and over. So, imagine these pics with sound. I have to say "Bla, bla" is definitely more entertaining than the tongue clicking phase he just went through. I love my baby, and of course everything he does is the most adorable thing ever. But, tongue clicking did border on being Levi's first annoying habit.
Just look at those cute little toes poking out of the blue ring!
New Camera--Yipee!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Levi and His Nana
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A Few Of My Favorite Things
2. Luna Moths. They just make me happy. My sister rescued this one from a spider's web. I think it might be the same one I blogged about earlier. It showed up around the same time at least.
3. My new geraniums. They remind me of peppermints. I love them!
4. Homegrown tomatoes. Because they actually taste like tomatoes, and aren't too likely to have salmonella.
5. The new Quilt Arts store near my house. Well not so near my house, but close enough for me to frequent. Their website's pretty nice, too. They have a great selection of fabric.
6. My babies numerous fat rolls. They're just so pinchable.
7. The monster dolls I made for Levi. I love how excited he gets when he plays with them. Granted his idea of play is more like a brutal attack, but it's cute to watch.
8. Levi's exuberance. Despite the bruises and scratches it often leaves on his loving momma, it is terribly infectious.
9. Blogging. Because it's like scrapbooking and journaling all in one with zero mess to clean up after.
10. Thrift and Consignment stores. Because baby clothes are expensive, and my baby typically grows out of his clothes every two to three weeks. My mom swears that we didn't grow that fast.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Grandpa's Cloth Diaper Tutorial
Sunday, June 8, 2008
For Levi's Nona and Nono in Argentina
Here he is trying to grab the camera:
And of course trying to eat the camera:
And just look at that chunky thigh. Couldn't you just eat him up? I prayed and prayed for a tubby baby, and that is exactly what I got--all 22 pounds of him!
My dad was going out to do some work around the farm today when Levi sidetracked him. Here Levi is getting to be a big boy and wearing PawPaw's cap:
Lots of love from both of us. We hope to see you soon!
Friday, June 6, 2008
A Lovely Surprise
The Menagerie
While I was pregnant she was rehabbing a baby humming bird that had an accident with a mirrored window. Here it is in my parent's guest bathroom learning how to drink from a feeder.
At the same time she took in a little kitten with spinal injuries. She's a regular St. Francis. This is Felix, the cat.
On top of this we currently have lots of other dogs, cats, horses, chickens, and whatever else wanders up. I guess I can't blame my sister for all of the animals on the farm. Here are the baby chickens that I raised. I might be responsible for other animals, but I'm not saying.
By far though the freezer probably contains the weirdest animal collection. To ease concern, this freezer does not contain food used for human consumption. Annie is a collector of all animals, dead or alive. She picks up roadkill, dissects them, cleans their bones, and rebuilds the skeletons (Quite beautifully, I might add). To my dismay, she gives the skeletons to her college's biology department before I have the chance to draw them. She's currently working on a bobcat skeleton. Here's a pic of the bobcat in progress.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Making a Momma Cry
By the way, getting rid of things is not my specialty. If there's a pack rats anonymous I should join it. I live in a very tiny house, so this tendency to keep things doesn't serve me well. I spend more time battling stuff than I would like to admit. I go to get rid of something and think of 50 reasons not to.
On occasion I have to resort to calling my very sweet, organized momma to come help me do battle. This might turn into one of those occasions.
Here's the original pile:
I did manage to divide it into two piles keep (to the right) and give away (the measly pile to the left):
The keep pile is now a work in progress. I've divided it into two more groups. The "You'll have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands" group:
This is where I get stumped. I simply don't have room to keep everything. I am not yet willing to become one of those packrats with stuff piled so high their house turns into a maze. A pretty, stylish home is definitely something I'd like to maintain, and the maze look just doesn't quite fit with that. I'm thinking my mom might be getting a "Help me, Help me, Please, Help me!" phone call sometime in the near future.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Cute Pics of Grandpa and the Little Man
Monday, June 2, 2008
He Said "Momma"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Being a mom is such a joy filled experience. Yes, motherhood has it's trying moments--sometimes more than moments, but everyday without fail there is at least one moment that I could just bask in forever. When else do you get that kind of beauty? When else do you get to watch such a miracle unfold before your eyes--not just watch it but participate in it? There's not enough time in the day to give proper thanks to God for everyday I get to spend as a mother.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
My Babywearing Stash
I have two lovely mei tais on the way. They should get here sometime in the next few days. I'm soooo excited. I'll post pics once they get here. So, that will bring my stash to 12. Is that excessive?
If I could only have one (I haven't tried the mei tais yet, so I might change my mind) I'd say the moby wrap. It's super comfy, although a little warm for the summer months, and very versatile. Once you get the hang of wrapping it up, it's a cinch.
If you have a baby and you haven't tried wearing the little munchkin, I highly recommend it. Not only does it create a much happier baby, it creates a much happier momma too. It's like having an extra pair of arms, and it quickly calms a baby whose decided to have a fussfest. It's also way easier on your back than carrying the kiddo in your arms.